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Our website design team is starting to specialize in writers’ websites! After we created from scratch Joan Chevalier’s site,, Sharon Harrigan is the latest writer to come to us for a website uphauling.

Sharon, who writes a wonderful blog full of freshness and sharp observations, wanted to add more functionality to her website, for her readers and for her own publishing needs. Fitting our social media-connected times, she required a site that could interact with Facebook, allow subscribers, and also let her see blogpost traffic. The new site is easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and also has a sleek, contemporary new look. After seeing it Sharon shot us an email with her very first impression:

“Wow, the publications page looks fantastic! And not just because my old version looked so terrible. I’m blown away!”

We’re glad she was! We also created a site guide for her, to make it easy for her to start publishing on the new site right away. Sharon seems to enjoy using her new blog – she wrote, “I’m actually kind of knocked out of my chair with delight. Love it. It’s amazing!”


The new website:

 Sharon’s old site: